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Found 22353 results for any of the keywords the social sciences. Time 0.010 seconds.
Social Intelligence Social StudiesSocial Intelligence, Social Studies
Research Methods For Psychology Social Sciences | AllPsychResearch methods for undergraduate and graduate students in education, psychology, and the social sciences. Focuses on the basics of research design analysis.
The Nest of Engineers: SPSSSharing Books, Software and Courses that aims to improve your engineering education without barriers.
Academic Databases ABC-CLIOBloomsbury / ABC-CLIO provides dynamic research databases that empower undergraduate research across the social sciences and humanities. Each database in the academic suite offers comprehensive coverage of its subject, f
The Nest of Engineers: StatisticsSharing Books, Software and Courses that aims to improve your engineering education without barriers.
College of Liberal Arts | The University of Texas at AustinLiberal Arts at UT offers our over 9000 undergrads more than 40 majors and our graduate students many top-ranked programs in the social sciences and humanities all taught by over 750 faculty members across our department
Michael and Ling Markovitz Dissertation Fellowship - SSD-fellowsDeadline: 4/15/2013 to the Dean of Students office, earlier to the department
THE.GEOTEKNIKK: Books,c.innerHTML=a,b.tagSoup=c.innerHTML!==a,c.innerHTML=
Library | WZBImage Image Thu-Ha Nguyen , The WZB library is part of the Research Information Unit. You can search our extensive collections, which are primarily in social...
Astrology - WikipediaFavorinus argued that it was absurd to imagine that stars and planets would affect human bodies in the same way as they affect the tides, 37 and equally absurd that small motions in the heavens cause large changes in pe
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